Breathwork Journeys

Circular, connected breathwork is one of the most powerful tools The Intimacy Initiative offers to support your personal development!

It’s benefits and effects are wide ranging, and most participants report that every session they attend feels unique.

Breathwork benefits include:
Detoxification- the body releases 70% of it’s toxins through breath
Emotional Release- focused breathing calms the mind and connects you to your feelings
Embodied Awareness- this practice gets you connected to your body through active meditation focus
Nervous System Regulation- breathwork activates the parasympathetic nervous system, shifting you out of fight/flight/freeze mode
Deep Relaxation- intentional breath practice supports your body to fall asleep & stay asleep by regulating your heartbeat rhythms
& so much more…

Traeh’s personal journey with breathwork began in 2017, when she joined a friend for an in home small group session that changed the course of her life.
After this first session, she immediately knew that this was the work she had to offer to the world. Traeh attended a month long Clarity Breathwork Facilitator training in Bali in 2018, and has been offering journeys ever since.

Her personal facilitation style is focused on embodiment, spiritual connection & personal empowerment. She love to speak of integrating the parts of ourselves, embracing our light and shadows alike & inviting willingness to show up to whatever wants to happen in your personal experience.

What a Circular, Connected Breathwork Journey looks like (in a group context):

Part 1: Opening (approx 30 min)
Traeh will set the tone for the journey by inviting the group to commit to safety, confidentiality & curiosity for the collective experience. She will explain the basics of circular connected breathwork to the group, and create space for questions & clarifications. The opening of the space will usually include a connection exercise such as journaling, body shaking or 1:1 connective shares.

Part 2: The Journey (approx 1 hour)
Your guided journey will begin with a short meditation, and will be accompanied by either a curated playlist or a live sound journey. This experience takes place in an arc- starting with intentional, focused breathing that develops into the autonomic breath taking over. As you reach the height of your arc, you may experience shaking, crying, tingles, laughter, ecstasy, deep relaxation… whatever your body is needing, it will guide you. Traeh will guide you through this arc with verbal affirmation & consented touch, bringing you to a soft & still landing space on the other side.

Part 3: Landing & Integration (approx 30 min)
You’ll drift into savasana (deep rest space) accompanied by the soulful vibrations of the harmonium & Traeh’s song. After your rest, you’ll be invited back to the group connection to share and integrate what your experience was like.

These sessions are available as public workshops, private group journeys or 1:1 sessions.

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