S3X Positivity and The Intimacy Initiative

One passionate cornerstone of this project is the exploration of one potent question- What is your relationship with your S3Xuality?
S3Xual curiosity is at the core of the human experience, and every one of us has unique and changing identities to express. Within this diverse and shifting landscape, we discover roadmaps to our emotional responses, somatic restrictions, and creative power.
The intimacy initiative invites exploration around communication, somatic processing & the medicine of playfulness. When we safely weave our sexuality into these conversations, we can achieve a deeper level of self knowing and empowerment.

This is a vulnerable topic

I’m with you in the curiosity, fear & excitement that comes alive when we start to release our sexual repression & shame! I’ve been devoting myself for many years to dismantling my own core beliefs around S3Xuality, and am grateful that it’s now an easy topic to discuss & explore with my friends & clients. I’m inviting you to join me in shifting our culture around S3Xuality, pleasure & desire.

The Intimacy Initiative offers the following experiences to support this cause:

Intimate Conversations Workshops: Join me in diving deep as I facilitate communication building exercises in 1:1 & small group formats. Through active participation, we will explore vulnerability together, with an emphasis on building safety collectively through consent based initiatives. This experience is primarily talk-based & focused on communication skills.
Join a public workshop or plan your own private group experience by emailing traehsong@gmail.com

How To Host a Play Party: Since early 2019, I have devoted my personal studies to the topic of creating safe spaces for S3Xual play with friends. It is one of my deepest passion projects, and I have assembled an amazing toolbox to share.
I am available as a personal consultant to discuss planning a play party with your friends!
My valuable toolbox includes the logistical & emotional tools that will support a safe & enjoyable experience to nourish and enhance your connection with friends & lovers. The skills I have developed have shown great results in minimising risk factors while maximising communication & connection.

What is a play party? I define a play party as a space that is inclusive of all forms of play, including S3Xuality. My specialty is creating S3X positive spaces that are not S3X pressure spaces. I encourage autonomy, self empowerment & emotional aftercare as part of the facilitated experience. Play in these spaces can show up in many ways, including connective games, engaging in kink, wrestling, using toys, oral & penetration, sensuality, silly banter … it’s really about playing together, while releasing the bonds of S3Xual repression & opening to curious exploration. The people who show up in theses spaces set the tenor for them- I am here to facilitate safety & support for the environment you want.
Why not call it an “ȯrgy”? Language intention is important, and the word “ȯrgy” is quite directional. It feels like expectation- that S3X is the goal, and anyone who attends must be focused on “doing the deed.” I think of “ȯrgy” as linear model, that puts you on an escalator for what the experience needs to be (with penetrative sex as the goal). I think of “play party” as a circular model- that includes many forms of play & normalises S3X positivity within the experience.
What risk factors do you address? Consent, emotional safety, S3Xual health, substance safety, clarity of communication & more
What logistics can you help with? Discussing location needs, templates for invitations & ongoing communication, physical safety check list & ongoing support when questions arise

Curious to learn more? Email me at traehsong@gmail.com

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